Introduction to the New Testament

   The Kitab Injil is the Word of God that God gave to mankind after the Old Testament (Kitab Tawrat) including the Psalms (Kitab Jabor).  What is contained in the Kitab Injil is the new covenant that God made with mankind through Isa Almasi.  This covenant or agreement can also be called Good News because in this covenant God shows his way in which he will forgive and accept people as righteous.

   The Kitab Injil has 27 parts and God chose twelve people through whom these parts would be written. The four parts that are called Good News (or Gospels) he caused to be written by Matiyo, Markos, Lukas and Yahiya.  The part that is call Acts of the Apostles was also written by Lukas.  Then there are 13 letters that were written by Paulus and eight more letters that were written by other apostles of Isa Almasi.  All those letters were sent to churches in different places. The last part of the Kitab Injil is Revelation that God caused to be written by Yahiya.

   What is contained in the four Good News is the account of the life of Isa Almasi here on earth beginning from his birth, including what he taught and did until his death and his coming back to life. What is contained in the Acts of the Apostles is the account of their proclamation of the Good News as well as the establishment of churches in different places.  The letters instruct people as to what is the right conduct of those who believe in Isa Almasi and the way in which they should follow him. In Revelation one can read about what will happen in the last days before Isa Almasi will return.

  The original Kitab Injil was written in Greek because this was the language that was used in many places at the time of Isa Almasi. But since God wants all people to be able to read and understand his word, the Kitab Injil was translated into Kalagan so that also the Kalagans can understand God’s word. May God bless each and everyone who will read this Kitab.


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